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Importance of Human Resources Management

Human resources is considered one of the institution’s most important assets, A lot of money is spent on developing it for its great importance in achieving the institution’s goals. Nowadays in the era of technical development, HR represents a huge part of the assets, where it reaches mo...

How to start career in HR? - Become HR Certified in 2023

How to start a career in HR?  A career in the human resource department can be challenging and rewarding. For some, the opportunity to earn above median salaries can be a strong motivation. While others, the opportunity to work closely with people in the workforce is what drives them to start ...

Artificial Intelligence In HR - Impact on Human Resources - Bakkah Learning

The first thing that may come to one’s mind when hearing the term artificial intelligence is robots. However, artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions, and its applications are endless. Artificial Intel...
