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Importance of Human Resources Management

20 Aug 2015

Human resources is considered one of institution’s most important assets, A lot of money spent on developing it for it’s great importance in achieving the institution’s goals. Nowadays in the era of technical development, HR represents a huge part of the assets, where it reaches mo...

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PMO Application in government entities in KSA

Institutions usually face the similar difficulties in managing projects, those difficulties can be summed up in their inability to execute projects within the budget and the schedule defined, thus affecting the outputs of these projects and causing customers dissatisfaction. The idea of PMOs emerged...

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Recruitment Consulting - Concept and Solutions

19 Apr 2015

The term “Recruitment consulting” might sound a little bit odd, since the regular and familiar consultations to people and even to a large amount of the managerial sector are simply administrative, engineering, financial or technical consultations. And you can rarely find an organization...

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