Our Services
Human Resources

The heart of any organization is the HR department, the healthier it gets the healthier organization you will have. Any organization should have a functional and organizational structure that is well developed with a clear and comprehensive job description including competency framework and training plans. These all should be under one HR governance and policy to be followed. In Bakkah we provide all these services by following best practices from our partners such as Watson Martin, HR Certification Institute, and CIPD to take your HR department to the next level and to have a healthy organization.
22% of employees
left their job due to lack of professional development
45% of turnover
is due to employee burnout
67% of candidates
want to join a diverse team
65% of employees
do not get clear job description prior to beginning their jobs
61% of new hires
do no get any training on company culture
53% of HR professionals
say employee engagement increases when onboarding is improved
78% of employees
would remain longer with their employer if they see a career path
56% of employees
say additional paid time off would make them more loyal to an organization
17% of employees
leave their organization because of organizational uncertainty
Bakkah Consulting helps you to achieve Results
Maturity Assessment
- Assessment
- Observations
- Benchmarking
- Recommendations
- Quick-wins
- Comprehensive observations report that identifies your organization’s current capabilities and weaknesses
- Benchmarking organization’s capability against others in the sector and industry
- Comprehensive recommendations report that eliminates root causes and reduce costs
- Transformation plans and initiatives for improvements
HR Policies & Processes
- Organizational Design
- Policies & Processes
- Grading & Compensations
- Salary Scale Development
- Employee Engagement
- Competency Frameworks
- Design your organization to align with the strategy and ensure realization of outcomes and benefits
- Provide you with governance that clarify roles and responsibilities and increase transparency in your organization
- Provide you with policy and procedure to govern the relationship between the organization and employees
- Provide you with compensations and benefits guidelines that ensure fair and competitive rewards for employees and executives
Tools & Dashboards
- Requirement Analysis
- HR Tools
- HR Reports
- HR Dashboards
- Provide you with interactive tools and dashboards that improve monitoring and controlling of your business
- Provide you with customized reports that satisfies different stakeholders requirements
- Increase visibility and transparency in your organization
- Improve productivity and support decision making in your organization
Bakkah Management Consulting Methodology
it contains 4 steps and 10 perspectives
Building Capabilities
- Professional Programs
- Executive Programs
- Customized Programs
- Exams & Certifications
- Professionals Outsourcing
- Executive Headhunting
- Board Services

Sustainable Value Creation
- Strategy Development
- Corporate Governance
- Frameworks & Methedologies
- Organizational Design
- SMO, PMO & HR Setup
- Total Reward Management
- Dashboards & Reports